Monday 16 June 2008

Young People F---ING

Young People F---ING
Stars: Aaron Abrams, Carly Pope
Director: Martin Gero
*** (out of five)

The first kiss in Young People F---ing, the sex comedy that dares not speak its full name, is tentative and almost chaste.

The smooch is accompanied by mutual insults: �You�re an idiot!� �No, you�re an idiot!�

Not exactly the nation-shaking boot-knocking you were expecting? You could be forgiven for thinking YPF would literally sizzle out of the projector, given all the heat its title has provoked from clueless politicians and self-righteous moralists.

In truth, Canadian filmmaker Martin Gero�s very funny and insightful feature debut is far less shocking that its detractors � most of whom haven�t even seen it � would have you believe.

Older canoodlers, those of us pointedly excluded by the title (but let�s forgive that, shall we?), will recognize YPF as a slightly raunchier version of Love, American Style, a TV series popular in the early 1970s.

It shares the same sketch format of 20-something and 30-something couples working out various love dilemmas.

The only difference here is that one of the couples is a threesome.

The actors are the finest troupe of fresh Canuck faces to appear on film in many a moon, and they�re all totally game.

All of them progress through a six-part sensual adventure, marked by chapters: Prelude, Foreplay, Sex, Interlude, Orgasm, and Afterglow.

Despite the formula format, there are a few surprises to be had, along with a practical demonstration of the best kind of music for f---ing.

If you�re looking for porn, you�ve come to the wrong place.

There are a few bare breasts, a couple bare asses, one naughty strap-on and that�s about it.

The nation�s moral fibre remains intact. If you�re looking for a good time and a little wisdom, then come right in.

See Also